Thursday, November 11, 2010

Barese for dummies

Barese for dummies: 101 expression you need to know before landing in the land of Bari with the hope of leaving it alive...

To get someone's attention
1) Giovaneeeee!!!!!!! (=excuse me, gentleman, can I have your attention, please?)
2) Capooooooo!!!! (like above, with more vigor, in case the gentleman did not respond)
3) Aoooooh! (like above, with even more vigor. I think the gentleman does not like you)

To answer:
1) CIU UE'!!!???? (the gentleman reply: what would you like?)

To ask about the price of something:
1) Quant'e' il danno? (=how much is the damage?)

To tell him that the price is quite high (he/she got you are a foreigner)
1) Vai a rubare (go steal someone else's money, would you please?)

To ask for the train station:
1) Scusa, giovane, devo andare alla stazione...

To reply to that request:
1) E va', va'...

To express wonder, happiness and emotions:
1) MO! Che gibillero! (pronounced: MO, Ke Jebillero)
2) La iosa!!!
3) Mo e ci je'!!
4) C ije' beeell!!

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